Feature Film (co-production)
The hotel room as a place where everyone is a stranger. A place that is yours for just a moment. A temporarily intimate space entered by a maid in order to clean it while, if possible, not leaving a trace of her visit. Each episode of Stranger is set in such a place, and each is captured in one long take. Weaving together a series of episodic stories – some humorous and absurd, some poignant and mysterious – that all unfold within a seemingly confined space, Stranger explores the idea of home while being away from it, and sheds light on the distinctive yet universal experiences of isolation and loneliness.
Festivals & Awards
Winner Grand Prix Proxima
Karlovy Vary 2024
São Paulo
International Film Festival
- Cast: Jing Jin, Liguo Yuan, Baohe Xue
- Writer&Director: Zhengfan Yang
- Producer: Shengze Zhu (Burn the Film, CN)
- Co-producers: BALDR Film (NL), Norsk Filmproduksjon A/S (NO), Les Films de l’Après-Midi (FR)
- Financiers & Funds: Hubert Bals Fund, Sørfund
- Length: 113 min