Feature Documentary
Ninety-year-old sound artist Henry “Sandy” Jacobs, who lives a wayward existence on a mountain in Northern California, introduces us to his eccentric 84-year-old friend and neighbor, architect Daniel Liebermann. The wise fool Sandy lives in the here and now, while Liebermann is haunted by memories, unfinished projects and unrequited dreams. These non-conformists, each in their own way, still search the world for perfection.
Sunnyside is a co-production of Clin d’oeil films.
- Director: Frederik Carbon
- Producer: Hanne Phlypo
- Co-producers: Mount Vision Pictures (BE), Caviar (BE), BALDR Film (NL)
- Financiers & Funds: Flanders Film Fund (VAF), Centre du Cinéma (CCA), Centre Bruxellois Audiovisuel (CBA), Netherlands Film Fund(NFF)
- Distributor: Cinema Delicatessen (NL)
- Broadcaster: VRT
- Length: 70 min.